Personal effectivity

In an interactive way we will do research on the aspects of effective behaviour by a manager. We will look at situational leadership, how to get results and time- and workload management.

By going through different theses a personal leadership scan is scored by you. This will give you a visual insight of your strong and maybe less strong qualities with regard to leadership.

Time- en workload management

Beside the well known 2 dimensions of time-management, importance and urgency we will also take a look at a third dimension, significance. We will look at it in a practical way, thus you will have instantaneous gain in your workload.


Delegating is a “long-term” strategy. Participants will learn besides theoretical principles some practical techniques to delegate in an effective way.

Influence, power and politics

Power and politics do exist around us. We say “deal with it”. But do it with integrity. What is required to get results in an organization? How to get people on board in your vision, plans or project? Which influence do you have and how can you put it into effect?

What is your strategy? You will learn how to influence with integrity (think win-win!).


What are your good qualities, what needs attention? When are you effective or maybe ineffective? How flexible is your leadership style? With the model by Quinn we do a leadership scan. Your own profile will become visual and you can compare it with the other participants. What can you learn from each other? Or maybe even more important, where is the synergy in your team?

Every participant develops a personal development plan by using the outcome of the scan.