Threat and Error Management

When assessing risks, we often turn to models that map those risks in an analytical and structured way. This is sensible, because it gives a good picture of possible threats and the possible consequences and you can take measures in advance to prevent a catastrophe or, at least, limit the damage. But is it enough?


People are irrational beings who, when assessing risks, are guided by their state of mind and/or striking examples and fear of the unknown.People are irrational beings who, when assessing risks, are guided by their state of mind and/or striking examples and fear of the unknown.

The feeling of “being in control” control is in itself healthy. It gets us out of bed in the morning and into action.However, it can also contribute to self-overestimation and risky behaviour that is not always effective in the environment and situation in which you find yourself.

In this training you learn to rationally assess threats and risks and to influence (too) risky behaviour in the right way, so that everyone can go home healthy at the end of the working day.


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