Where people work together, decisions are made. When the stakes are high, the decision becomes even more critical. Aviation has been training on this for decades.
An effective decision-making process can, depending on the situation, be carried out in various ways; sometimes through consultation, sometimes democratically, sometimes very autocratically. Each type of decision-making process has its advantages and disadvantages. As long as you can, it is wise to make use of all the information that is available within your team. Even when time is short. This will undeniably lead to a better outcome.
This, participative, form of decision-making requires an active attitude from each team member when it comes to identifying and evaluating possible alternatives. Group dynamics are also important. Everyone must be able to voice their concerns and make proposals. Dominant or non-assertive behaviour is almost never effective. Equality, beyond formal and functional hierarchical relationships, is not always as obvious as it seems.
In our training we playfully point out where there the pitfalls are on the road to optimal decision-making, how to deal with them and what can be gained as a team. Not only in critical situations but also in your daily professional life.
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